Grab Today’s Steamy Novellette and Sweet Romance Novella. Also, Enter to Win our New $600 Valentine’s Day Giveaway.

lord of the jungleToday’s featured novel is the steamy romance novellette, Lord of the Jungle by Sheri Fredricks.

When Jane Porter washes ashore onto an island inhabited by animals and one sexy wildman, that’s when the real adventure begins. Dependent upon her vine-swinging rescuer, who acts more ape than musclebound man, she places her survival in his rugged hands and relinquishes her desire to his raw sensuality.

“Once I allowed myself to let go and enter a fantasy world… I was caught in Tarzan’s arms and didn’t want released! I really enjoyed seeing their connection and how some things were just nature and raw and instant and wild. I was cringing seeing that I was getting closer to the end because I wasn’t quite ready for their story to end yet!!” –Amazon Reader

“I couldn’t put the story down and now I’m waiting for the next installment…Ms. Fredricks leaves you panting for more!” –READER







goofy newfiesToday’s HOT NEW Release is the sweet romance novella, Goofy Newfies by Ann Omasta.

What do you get when you combine a dash of romance, a pinch of humor, a ton of fun, and quite a few pounds of Newfoundland puppies? This delightful recipe makes a heartwarming read that will leave you wanting more. Snuggle up with these Goofy Newfies and let them convince you that drool is cool!

Goodreads Reviewers: “The puppies totally steal the show, despite Donovan and Lily being delightful characters.”

“It’s a short read but a joyous one…I loved it!”





Must-READ Bonus Book:

ONLY $.99! When their hot fling gets personal, can their passion free their imprisoned hearts?
ONLY $.99! “…nonstop action, an edgy and dark story full of mystery and adventure, and totally impossible to set down once you’ve started reading.” -Reviewer





By Heather