K.J. Jackson delivers a historical romance like it should be written in today’s feature, Stone Devil Duke. It already boasts an impressive 4.6 star rating. historical romance

A Brief Synopsis of Stone Devil Duke:

Marked for death, Lady Augustine Christopherson finds herself scouring the slums of London in a desperate search to find the men who killed her father, and are determined to dispose of her. To protect her family, to protect herself, she is determined to find the men before they find her. The last thing she wanted was an entanglement with a duke that threatens her very survival… Hardened long ago, the last thing the Duke of Dunway wanted was an entanglement with a chit of the ton.

About the Author:

K.J. Jackson is the author of The Flame Moon Series and The Hold Your Breath Series. She specializes in historical and paranormal romance, will work for travel, and is a sucker for a good story in any genre. She lives in Minnesota with her husband, two children, and a dog who has taken the sport of bed-hogging to new heights. Visit her at www.kjjackson.com.

What Fans Are Saying About Stone Devil Duke:

“…a great novel and I will be waiting impatiently for her second book in this series” –Amazon Reviewer

“…aristocracy, passion, adventure, changing scenery (London ballroom, slums, country estates), mystery and sex!” –Amazon Reviewer

Make sure you grab the historical romance, Stone Devil Duke today.

By Heather