Download the 2023 Kindle Book Award Winner, All Our Yesterdays: A Tale of Cunning and Grit by Forest Bowman.

Adam Richter, an undernourished fourteen year old orphan, is sent by county authorities to live on a hardscrabble farm where two brothers beat him repeatedly. But Adam is a survivor – and more. He flees back to his hometown and, through hard work and very clever planning, rises from his humble beginnings and becomes a leading citizen of the town.

“This is a very captivating book that reminds me of the old cliche, “I could not lay it down”. Lots of interesting characters and twists and turns that captures your interest.” -READER

“Wow! I liked everything about this book. It incorporated the goodness of mankind at a time when we really need to hear that, and it repeatedly kept me attempting to guessing what was going to happen next.” -Amazon Reviewer

“The main character, Adam Richter, is so likeable and clever that I found myself rooting for him during his trying times. I highly recommend that you read this story and don’t shy away from the ebook version.” -Amazon Reader

Download the Paranormal Romantic Thriller, Deals with the Devil: Book One of the Devil’s Due Series by Veronica Ford.

Magic means trouble, every time. Now roses are on a murderous rampage, the library’s throwing books at me, students are having orgies under the willow tree, and that new English professor is very distracting. I need to deal with this before Satan shows up. Unless it’s too late.

I just want to be an English professor. Instead, I’m chasing boggarts and getting kidnapped by the Fae. Academia is harder than I thought.

“I loved this novel and would definitely recommend it to anyone who is looking for a quick and easy read, but also wants some mystery. I think Ford did a really good job with writing the characters” -READER

“This book is a page turner. The story is fast paced and interesting. The literary and biblical references are well placed and add a dimension of authenticity to the main character, a college professor. The underlying themes of magic and the eternal battle between the forces of good and evil will appeal to fantasy lovers.” -Amazon Reviewer

Dive into the Dark Mafia Romance, Beautiful Sinner by A. Hayat.

Immerse yourself in this FREE spicy dark mafia romance, where the boundaries between hostage and captor blur, leading to a deadly, irresistible affair.

In the aftermath of a chilling gangland murder, Jasmine faces a daunting ultimatum: embrace certain death as a witness or dive headfirst into the perilous realm of undercover work for Adrian Romano. Her mission is clear—retrieve a coveted chip with top-secret data from the clutches of a notorious criminal.

The magnetic pull between them blurs the lines between duty and desire, exposing Jasmine to a world where loyalties are tested, and secrets are whispered in the dimly lit corners of the mafia’s clandestine empire.

In the midst of danger, Jasmine finds herself entangled not only in a web of crime but also in the intoxicating embrace of the formidable Capo. Will she succumb to the irresistible forces at play, or will she emerge from the shadows with the chip and her heart intact?

Grab the FREE guide to Inner Peace, You Are the Solution: Harness your Mind’s Power for Success and Inner Peace by Camen J. Mora.

Everything you need to eliminate fear and doubt and take control of your life is within you. Keep reading to discover the three simple but proven steps to unlocking a meaningful life!

You might ask yourself, what does it take to be happy and peaceful with where you are right now?

The answer might surprise you…

Reprogramming your mind to create the purposeful life you’ve always dreamed of is not easy – but it is possible.

Pick up this brand new book and start living your very best life.

By Heather