2019 Spring Fling Giveaway

๐ŸŽ‰ 2019 Spring Fling Giveaway

If you’re ready to win an amazing Amazon prize, get excited, it’s time for our annual 2019 Spring Fling Giveaway! For the fifth year in a row we’re celebrating spring by giving away a slew of prizes that readers love! So get ready, set, go, and enter our Spring Fling Giveaway today and everyday through April 29th. Meet new authors, find incredible book deals (many free and heavily discounted books by Amazon, NY Times, and USA Bestsellers) in the genres you love! What could you win? How about 1-Year of Amazon Prime ($119), an 8″ Kindle Fire ($80), a $100 Amazon eGift card, and one of two ($50) Amazon eGift cards.

What: Spring Fling “Amazon” Giveaway.

When: April 8 – 29, 2019

$400 in Prizes:  1 – 1-Year membership Amazon prime ($119), 1 – 8″ Kindle Fire ($80),  1 – $100 Amazon eGift card, 2- $50 Amazon eGift cards.

HINT:  There is no purchase necessary to win or enter, but we can only continue these giveaways when you support our authors, and we give bonus points for doing so. So scroll through the book covers and check out the titles that appeal to you. Heck! You just might find a new favorite author! Best of all, if you choose to buy a book or two, you will receive the love and respect of our sponsoring authors, and that is absolutely pricelessClick on the book covers, support your (NEW) favorite authors, and enter the Rafflecopter form below.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

401 thoughts on “2019 Spring Fling Giveaway”
  1. I checked out some of the books and talked about them with my book friends. Thanks for the contest.

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