Follow alongside the journey of a naïve girl growing into a confident woman, unearthing buried secrets and discovering the history of the Huns.  Ilona is a very modern heroine, who grapples with the same questions many of us face today. What if we could wipe out disease? What if we could find a true soul mate, no matter the obstacles? And, most profound of all: If we knew we could use our innate abilities to do absolute good or absolute evil . . . which path would we choose? Today’s Best Indie Books of 2012 SEMIFINALIST, Birthright: Ilona the Hun by Erika M. Szabo.

A Little About Birthright:

Ancient Mysteries; Timeless Questions Ilona is a descendant of the True Hun tribe, which means nothing to her, until her twenty ninth birthday. The True Hun society is secretive and complex, with strict and fiercely enforced rules revealed only to those who have come of age. Ilona is a rebel, who is determined to control and guide her own life. Resourceful and daring, she crosses the line, and breaks those rules. She must face the consequences, even as she discovers growing magical powers she could never have dreamed of . . . powers tied to ancient tribal secrets. The comfortable and uneventful part of her life ends, as she enters adulthood by Hun standards, and her journey of self-discovery begins. Ilona finds out that her birthright is to become a Healer. This legacy is in her hands, and in her heart and soul. Ilona’s destiny as a Healer runs alongside her
desires as a woman. She is secretly and hopelessly in love with her best friend, and her hope is that one day he will present her with his Red Tulip – the symbol of devoted love.

About the Author:

Erika M Szabo is a Hungarian born American, she lives in the beautiful Catskill Mountains. She received her PhD in Alternative Medicine, and she published a few books in this subject. Writing about dry medical facts doesn’t satisfy her thirst for storytelling. Erika has a unique talent to tie fantasy and reality into a believable tale that raises questions such as: What if-healing by touch could be possible? What if-we could find a soul mate no matter the obstacles? What if-we could visit our ancestors? What if-our destiny is not written in stone, and we can create our own future?

What People Are Saying About Birthright:

“I was captivated by the main character Ilona, and the way the book was written had me right there with her throughout her journey in this first novel. To me there was all the right amounts of suspence, surprise, romance and interesting facts that I can’t wait to find more about.” –Erika

“This was an easy read, very well written, and kept me glued to the characters. I can’t wait to read book two and follow these amazing characters.” –Cynthia Ann

“A great story for anyone who loves mystery and romance!” –Brandy Dull

Pick up your copy of Birthright today.

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By Heather