Craig O. Thompson’s nail-biting, gripping journey to the bottom of the cold North Atlantic will make you wish there’s time to come up for air. The tragedy of a sunken ship, world politics and intrigue come together to make the award-winning novel OMAR: The Novel a page-turning, action and suspense-filled, electrifying thriller. Check out today’s Best Indie Books of 2012 SEMIFINALIST.

A Brief Summary:

In 1995, CIA/FBI jointly discovered secret plans to recover a trove of priceless treasure from deep below the North Atlantic Ice Barrier, aboard the RMS Titanic. An ultra-zealous terrorist group competed against other divers, which set off a complex web of international intrigue and suspense. Dr. Cary Parker, Woods Hole oceanographer and archaeologist, was recruited by CIA’s Colonel Bramson to beat both teams to the ship’s grave. And a wave of worldwide terrorism was set into motion at 2077 fathoms, as a rare, priceless book and lost treasure became the primary focus of a triadic search. Parker, challenged the terrorists on his own turf, and what followed was an epic adventure of legendary proportions.

About the Author:

Award-winning author/speaker/keynoter, CRAIG O. THOMPSON is a counter-terrorism and business disaster recovery planning consultant, and communications director for the Intn’l Association for ounterterrorism & Security Professionals (IACSP). Mr. Thompson holds a B.S. and M.A. in Education from Northern Arizona University. Craig is currently working on two novels, a non-fiction book and three screenplays.

What People Are Saying About OMAR:

“Craig Thompson’s ‘Omar’ is a suspenseful and thrilling novel of escalating global terrorism… a shocking, action-packed, highly recommended page-turner filled with suspense and plot twists to the end.” –James Cox,
Editor Midwest Book Review

“Craig O. Thompson has magnificently written a story based on historical fact overflowing with suspense and intrigue. It is apparent after reading “Omar” why the author is the International Benjamin Franklin award-winner of the Silver Award for Best New Voice – Fiction…. Omar is truly a journey of suspense, intrigue and mystery that is a MUST READ for all readers.” –Marilou George, The Kindle Book Review

“Thompson is an authority on terrorism and uses his knowledge to add a frightening, in-the-headlines sense of reality.” –Rich Gotshall, Indianapolis Star

Snag your copy of OMAR: The Novel today.

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By Heather