Don’t miss the book one reviewer calls, “A taut, fast moving thriller.” Today’s feature book is NOT FOR RANSOM by Ben Easton and you can grab it for ONLY $.99 for a limited time! taut thriller

Shocked survivors fight back against murderous terrorists. Will they make it against their deadly attackers?

A Little About NOT FOR RANSOM:

US First Lady, Kathryne Mannocks has had enough. She’s done her very best but refuses to continue being humiliated by her husband’s behavior. And all the goddamn security is choking the life out of her.

Tripping over the final straw she angrily storms out of the White House to join former college friends for a reunion at the old hotel way out in the wilds. She’ll have freedom to be herself while fresh air and old friendships might help her to regain perspective. She’s stubbornly refused stifling efforts to impose blanket security upon her and won’t acknowledge she is now left vulnerable and minimally protected.

A fanatical group of terrorists stage a murderous breakout from a nearby high security prison. Armed with guns and explosives, Dravid, an Islamic jihadist and Eamon, a veteran terrorist, lead an uneasy and temporary alliance to further their inhuman causes. They attack the hotel to ruthlessly and bloodily capture a prize that will help achieve their deadly objectives.
While powerful governments find themselves held in a pitiless stand-off, there are a still a few survivors at the hotel with the strengths to pit themselves against this post-massacre mission.

What Readers Are Saying About NOT FOR RANSOM:

“The characters and plot were very good. It makes you think about how the minds of terrorists work. Well at least I thought about it. I look forward to the next book Mr. Easton writes.” –DJ

“A cracking thriller….the reader is propelled into a dark world of political and fundamentalist terror. The plot and pace never flag, making this an ideal vehicle for an action movie. Don’t miss it.” –Amazon Reviewer

“A compelling story full of strong characters.” –Amazon Reviewer

Don’t hesitate to pick up today’s taut thriller, NOT FOR RANSOM.


By Heather