Vote Mystery/Thriller 2023


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96 thoughts on “Vote Mystery/Thriller 2023”
  1. Lady Vigilante Season Collection Book 2 by Hayley Camille. I have read every single book in this two part collection and loved every single one! In all honesty I was privileged to read and comment on all the books in the collection; when they were released I wrote a review. Every now and then I would find a typo, but her books were a joy to read and a gift to be able to experience her craft. Not only are the books imaginative, somewhat violent, but not gory, they made me smile a lot. While I was given a free copy to read, critique and review I bought my own copy when they were released. I do not make that a habit for every author for whom I review. Hayley’s books are hard to describe as they are imaginative, full of action, self-introspection and always leave me wanting more. If you have not read them, I encourage you to do so. They are outstanding! Also, she never once minded a critique from me, but was always gracious in her thanks for reading for her. She is not only a great writer, supermom and wife, but a wonderful young lady for which I have a great deal of respect. Thank you for the opportunity to share my thoughts in a new way.

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