Today’s Featured Book is the Historical Fiction, Fortune’s Child by James Conroyd Martin. Now $2.99!

Theodora: actress, prostitute, mistress, feminist. And Byzantine Empress of the Roman world. GRAND PRIZE 2019 Best Book, Chanticleer International Book Awards

“A meticulously researched historical account presented in the form of a thrilling political drama.” -Kirkus Review

I always enjoy learning about other cultures, and this book did not fail to share time and place of bygone days. It was a page turner for me, and I look forward to more stories of Empress Theodora.” -Amazon Review

“Conrad-Martin is a fine author and this is a well-thought out novel with plenty of meat for the history-lover! I recommend it!” -READER

Today’s Featured New Release is the Religion and Spiritual, Closer than Breath by Maria and Louise Coetzee. Only $0.99!

When Maria’s near-death experience results in her meeting Jesus, it contradicts her beliefs about God, the afterlife, and life on Earth. This moving encounter changes her forever and brings a surprise, priceless for anyone who would like to understand more of what is available to them and how it impacts their life on Earth.

Miemes’s childhood story is delightful and interesting from a time and place I found very captivating to read. Her continued journey of the accident and portrayal of the spiritual world has a huge impact. The love of Jesus felt, aligns with so many other authors who’ve had near death experiences. Once touched by Him, life on earth is forever different. Those fortunate enough to be in the presence of these people, like Maria, are blessed and in absolute awe. An amazing journey and read. Truly inspiring.” -Amazon Review

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Today’s Featured Romance is the Contemporary Romance, Down for Her by Melissa Chambers. Now FREE!

Walking into my employee housing unit at Destiny Dunes resort for the first time, the last thing I expect to see is a hot guy…and definitely not a dripping wet naked one. Turns out the unit was double-booked. With only twenty bucks to my name and no credit cards, I’m screwed. But with Brett, Florida’s biggest playboy, offering me his bed for the weekend, I may not have to go crawling back to my two-timing ex or my controlling dad. My real challenge will be not letting this hunk who helps kids for a living steal my heart.

“Her characters are real, have personality, and come alive on the page with her writing. You feel like you are right there with them.” -Goodreads Review

“Overall, the book has everything I look for— great characters, witty banter, sizzling chemistry, lust, love, and a little drama.” -READER

Today’s Freebie is the Racism Studies, The False Color Divide by Robert Albert Aymar. Now FREE!

We once upon a time believed our pledge of allegiance was what kept our nation together and it did. Help mend our Indivisible Spirits to come back to our hearts and accept all our citizens as one native breed of Americans by birth and homeland.

Author’s awakening to the truth to our racial divide. Our racial framed positions by Color have always from elementary learning till now at age 65 have seems wrong and dishonest.” -READER

May we all evolve to see we are all one of a kind as DNA proves which makes each of us a masterpiece made by God. I can assure you we are all One Race with One God. America is my home, where I hope this can lead not only you but our leaders all to lead us as to what we should be One Race, One Nation under Our One God.” -Amazon Review

Bonus Books!

FREE! This book is about the MINDSET and The NON-NEGOTIABLE daily HABITS I applied everyday in prison to make it thru Hell and stay sane while thriving? My MINDSET while INCARCERATED and these HABITS I stick to religiously made me a Multi-Millionaire within’ 4 years and I did it saving lives all over the world!!!
FREE! Why does the importance of God’s assistance in our daily lives be so crusial? As well fidelity, love, romanticism, respect, and communication play major roles in marriage relationships. It is like understanding the gravity force, the one who understands the gravity force understands marriage. Live your marriage with a peace of mind, with happiness and free of resentment. Live your marriage happily ever after!!!

By Heather