Do yourself a favor and add today’s book to the top of your Must-read list. It may save your life. Distracted Driving: The Multi-Tasking Myth (You Be the Judge Book 1) by authors Steven Gacovino, Edward Lake and Luke Russell. One Amazon reader praises Distracted Driving saying, “This book gives you facts, data, and numerous examples of why you should focus more on the road and not on your phone. I suggest you read this book, and give it as a gift to others.”distracted driving: the multi-tasking myth

A Brief Synopsis of Distracted Driving:

We all want to believe we can drive responsibly and monitor distractions. But our attention is limited by nature, and we are often very subtly distracted from noticing things right in front of us. We really are not good multi-taskers when our attention is spread over tasks that require dedicated attention. That’s why conversations on cellphones turn out to be a serious distraction to drivers. Read this book and see if you think it’s fair to the rest of the people in your car or on the road when you allow yourself to be distracted in the special way that cellphones can distract.

What Readers Are Saying About Distracted Driving:

“We all think we’re “saving” time when we’re multi-tasking, but this book directly disputes that idea with research showing how we’re not working toward “saving” lives with regards to driving and phone use. I highly recommend it… and need to continue to put it in practice!” –Sarah

“This book is the pinnacle work on the topic of distracted driving. This book really cuts to the heart of the problem and examines in depth how the distraction occurs and looks at the psychology of why we do it…” –M. Corrigan

“This book makes it’s point effectively and efficiently without using scare tactics to inspire action.” –Amazon Reader

Don’t miss the book, Distracted Driving. It may save your life.

By Heather