Calling all American history lovers today’s HOT NEW Release is for you. A Difference of Purpose: A Novel of the American Civil War by Terry Soileau is historical fiction at its best.

A Brief Synopsis of A Difference of Purpose:

A DIFFERENCE OF PURPOSE tells the story of 12 year old Jonathan Berkeley, a Confederate drummer boy serving with the famous Orphan Brigade, and his uncle and Godfather, Alexander Wythe, an abolitionist lawyer and captain serving in the Union army. They wrestle with God and their own inner demons as they confront devastating personal tragedies and search desperately for faith, love, and meaning in a torn and tragic world of civil war.

About the Author:

Terry Soileau received his B.A. in Philosophy from Divine Word College, in Epworth, Iowa, and his J.D. from Loyola University School of Law in New Orleans, LA. He has always had a great love for history and was surprised to find out only recently that he is the 10th cousin of Abraham Lincoln. Thinking for a long time that he was part Irish, French, Cajun, Spanish, and English, he was surprised to also find out recently that he is also part German and Creole. So, it is fitting that his minor in college was Cross-Cultural Studies. The author of A DIFFERENCE OF PURPOSE is presently at work on another civil war novel set in Louisiana, as well as a political novel set during the Cold War. The author would be happy to hear from readers and invites readers to visit his website and visit him on his Facebook author page and on Twitter.

Grab your copy of A Difference of Purpose today and make sure to leave feedback on the Amazon page.

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By Heather

2 thoughts on “HOT NEW Release – A Difference of Purpose: A Novel of the American Civil War by Terry Soileau”
  1. This really is an amazing book! The story is full of action & would make a great movie.

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