Download Today’s Clever Crime Thriller and Captivating Literary. Also, Enter our New Weekly Giveaways.

mash upToday’s feature is the entertaining crime thriller, Mash Up by Joe Klinger. Buy it now for ONLY $.99.

A missing college musician puts San Francisco detectives Qigiq & Dreeson on the cyber-trail of an exhibitionist killer in this classic noir thriller.

“Klingler’s plot definitely has a Quentin Tarantino-feel to it.”–San Francisco Book Review (5 of 5 stars)

“Klingler makes supreme use of his tech knowledge in a grisly mystery…His effortlessly clever prose makes the subject thoroughly entertaining.”–Kirkus Reviews

“Cleverly designed, Mash Up is the perfect detective read, as well as a classic addition to the noir genre.”–San Francisco Book Review





somebody else's business One reader calls today’s page-turning HOT NEW Release “a superb novel of drama, tragedy, and intrigue…” Don’t miss, Somebody Else’s Business by Charlton James.

This journey of the unexpected begins with the deployment of John Willoughby. He writes a letter expressing his committed love to his fiancee Tiffany Adams, who misplaces the letter within an hour after receiving it. Through happenstance, Kelly; the wife of another relationship finds the letter while walking her dog. Enthralled by the expressive content, she takes the letter home with the intent of using it as a tool to rekindle the spontaneity in her marriage; from there the story unfolds into a series of destructive episodes.

“Charlton James is a master storyteller who has the gift of painting his characters so that they come out larger than life.” –Reviewed by Maria Beltran for Readers’ Favorite.

“Any reader who enjoys a captivating story that will keep them turning the pages from the start all the way through to the very end should absolutely read Somebody Else’s Business!” Reviewed by Tracy A. Fischer for Readers’ Favorite.




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FREE! Will her new love and independence be enough to fight the past and escape the man who’s willing to kill her if he can’t get what he wants?
ONLY $.99! Roy Walker is curious. But in a world where knowledge has disappeared, curiosity will get you killed.
This book of poetry is about the complex feelings of love and life – the longing, the lusting, but also the disappointments and pain.
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ONLY $.99! A looming hurricane has nothing on the storm raging inside…
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ONLY $.99! “She refuses to be any man’s damsel in distress. But the question remains: Can she really find her way out of this alone?” -READER

By Heather