“Rosary McQuestion wrote a captivating novel. She had me from the first chapter. I could not stop reading it. This novel was interesting, romantic, and vibrant. I will recommend it to everyone I know!” –Amazon Reviewer

A beautifully-craftedย masterpiece. Today’sย HOT NEW Releaseย has the right blend ofย humor, romance and even a touch of the supernatural. A golden debut from new author Rosary McQuestion.ย Make sure to take a look at the Amazon bestseller, Once Upon Another Time.

A Little About Once Upon Another Time:

Aubrey s husband died in a tragic accident when she was 28 years old and pregnant, ending her happily-ever-after fairytale dream and leaving her emotionally damaged with an unhealed heart. But right before the seventh anniversary of his death, a glitch in the universe gives Aubrey the psychic ability to hear what people are thinking. And by all accounts, she seems to also have made a connection with the dearly departed โ€“ namely her deceased husband.

As fate would have it she meets the next Mr. Right โ€“ and her life becomes topsy-turvy.

Life was complicated enough before photos rattled off bookshelves and the sound of eerie wind chimes played in her head. Soon sheโ€™s juggling a demanding career, a six-year-old son, a freaky spiritualist, her hippy parents, and the belief that her husbandโ€™s ghost is trying to tell her something of great importance. All while she tries to reclaim her heart and not lose the next love of her life.

About the Author:

Rosary McQuestion was born in Brooklyn, New York, grew up in Wisconsin, and currently lives in Michigan with her husband and their three cats.ย  Following a long career in advertising and marketing, which included owning her own agency, as well as having served as director of marketing and creative services for a well-known party goods manufacturer, she now indulges in her love of writing.
Visit her at www.rosarymcquestion.com, facebook.com/rosarymcquestion, and twitter.com/RoseMcQuestion.

What Readers Are Saying About Once Upon Another Time:

“The supernatural events involving ghosts, mysticism, and reincarnation are so gripping, I was not surprised to learn that paranormal events in the author’s real life prompted her to write this book.” –Amazon Reviewer

“Rosary McQuestion tells a beautiful love story that reaches beyond the limits of the heart.” –Amazon Reviewer

“Thoroughly enjoyed this story ONCE UPON ANOTHER TIME by @RoseMcQuestion Renewed my belief in romance.”ย –Luciana Cavallaro

If you haven’t grabbed your compelling copy of Once Upon Another Time, you’re missing out.

By Heather

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